
Physical chemistry and electrochemistry R. Raicheff, R. Jain
Organic chemistry V. Dimitrov, P. K. Sharma
Inorganic chemistry D.Todorovsky, R. K. Sharma
Analytical chemistry D. Tsalev, R. K. Mahajan
Catalysis S. Damyanova, R. D. Kaushik
Chemical engineering V. Beshkov, M. A. Abdullaha
Chemistry and environmental protection Y. Pelovski, A. Mittal
Polymers (plastics, rubbers, chemical fibres, cellulose) N. Dishovsky, R. K. Soni
Chemical technologies G. Vissokov, A. Muddoo
Biotechnologies and biomaterials B. Tchorbanov
Oil processing, petrochemistry and organic synthesis G. Cholakov , A. P. Gupta
Chemical education B.Toshev , A. K. Halve